This was my second year of creating a painting specifically to use for Christmas cards, and although it adds a bit to the "must get done" list of pre-Christmas stress, I thoroughly enjoy creating my own cards and plan to continue with it each year. I had wanted to paint a scene from St Augustine because I love how that city lights up in December, but I wasn't too happy with any of the photos I took (and I always paint from my own photos or from life). I decided instead to paint my 2 older children from a time when they were much younger and very excited about Santa Clause and the magic of Christmas. This may be the first time I painted in a square format, which presented a few challenges, but I loved this glance back in time.
Lisa, I love your use of light. Really brings out your subjects. You have a wonderful talent. Hope to see a lot more of your work. I also want to see some oils!
Thank you, Richard! I'm pretty sure I'll paint with oils eventually, when time allows for learning. I've been getting more and more interested in trying oils, but I just love pastels!